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These Various Causes of Mother Feeling Pain When Breastfeeding

I just want to give up when the pain arises every time you feed your baby? Don't worry, I'm not alone. There are many other mothers, especially new mothers, who also feel sick when giving breastfeeding. However, after knowing the causes and ways to overcome them, the mother can re-breastfeed your baby more comfortably. Breastfeeding is natural. However, it turns out there are many obstacles that you may experience during the early period of breastfeeding. Take it easy, this does not necessarily make you a bad mother.

Source of Pain When Breastfeeding

Some women are not immediately able to breastfeed smoothly, especially in the first week after giving birth. This pain in the breast will usually be felt when breast milk comes out of the nipple. If you are one of them, don't give up yet, ma'am. There are several things that usually cause pain when breastfeeding, including:
  • Breast swelling

  • You don't need to worry. Breast swelling is common in early breastfeeding. At this time the breasts will feel tighter, heavy, and warm. This is the way the body works so that the baby gets enough milk. In addition, swelling may also be a problem when babies no longer suckle as often as before.
  • The position of suckling is not right

  • Nipples that hurt when first breastfeeding are normal, Mom. But if it still feels more than 1 minute, maybe you need to check if the breastfeeding position is right. Swollen breasts can also make you feel pain when breastfeeding because the baby's mouth cannot be attached properly to the nipple. If the position is right, the baby's nose and chin will usually touch the breast. The entire brown areola or breast area around the nipple will mostly go into the baby's mouth. Not only the tip of the nipple. The mother can wait until the baby opens his mouth wide to rearrange the position.
  • Dry or cracked nipples

  • Dry nipples may also be a cause of pain during early breastfeeding, ma'am. While cracked nipples can be caused by dry skin, incorrect position when pumping breast milk, improper adhesion of the baby's mouth, and also fungal infections. This condition can cause blood to come out when the mother is breastfeeding or pumping breast milk. Although it looks worrying, it's okay if this blood gets into the baby's mouth, because generally only a small amount. To ease it, make sure the child suckles in the right way and position, then you can just clean the nipples with clean water when bathing, and wear loose clothing. Lanolin based creams can be applied when not breastfeeding. Mothers can ask to be prescribed this cream at the doctor. Generally these cracked or dry nipples will subside in 2-3 days.
  • Fungal infections

  • Unfortunately, antibiotics used to treat other infections can cause fungal infections of the baby's nipples and mouth. The pain from this fungus can still be felt until after a few hours after breastfeeding.
  • Mastitis

  • Mastitis is inflammation of one part of the breast due to swelling or blockage of the breast glands. Mothers who experience this condition can feel a fever, and the swollen area will feel hard and red. Although it hurts, mothers should still continue to breastfeed the baby to help relieve inflammation and expel as much milk from the breast as possible. Besides that, you can also express milk to be stored. However, mastitis that does not resolve quickly within a few days or is very annoying, you should immediately consult a doctor. This can occur due to an infection that needs to be treated immediately with antibiotics. Antibiotics given by doctors to treat this condition are generally safe for consumption during breastfeeding.
  • Breast abscess

  • Breast abscesses can form if mastitis is not treated properly. This abscess eventually needs to be treated with surgery to remove the pile of pus fluid.
In addition to the above factors, there are a number of things that can cause pain during breastfeeding such as improper nursing bras, menstruation, breast cyst disease, or due to breastfeeding hormones.

Tips for Overcoming Pain When Breastfeeding

To ascertain the cause of the pain, you can consult a doctor, midwife or lactation consultant. Mothers should not stop breastfeeding your child. The hormone oxytocin which stimulates breast milk will be active as soon as you divert your mind from pain in the mind or affection for the baby. Here are some things you can do to ease the pain while breastfeeding at home:
  • Cold or warm compresses can be done to relieve breast pain.
  • Get enough rest and consume enough mineral water.
  • Take paracetamol or ibuprofen, at the doctor's recommended dosage for pain relief.
  • Continue to breastfeed and pump or express milk. If not, the above conditions may get worse. With the help of a nurse or midwife, the baby's mouth can be attached properly to the nipple thereby reducing pain.
  • Wear a breastfeeding bra and clothes that don't compress the breast.
Check with your doctor if you breastfeed your baby as often as possible, but your breasts still hurt. In addition to consulting a doctor, you can also share stories and experiences with other mothers. Keep your spirits up, ma'am!
